Thursday, August 14, 2003

"Quiet Morning"

The cats are away for an off-site meeting, so the mice are in the office blogging. Hehehe. It has been a really busy week (month) for me. I've noticed that whenever you're planning leave from work, your workload suddenly explodes. My vacation starts on Sept 4 and I'm already counting the days. I am so anxious to go on this vacation, which includes a 1-week stay in Thailand, and another 1-week stay in Hong Kong. It has been over 4 years since I last traveled abroad. Traveling is always fun -- you have no schedule, no work, nothing. Everyday you wake up whenever, eat whatever, do whatever. No rules, no restrictions. I think that's the best thing about a vacation. Oh, I'm already in my dream land...and it's only 9am in the morning!

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