Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Rich people

Hey, Blogger did get a new look! Haven't logged on for 2 weeks, and Blogger changed for the better! Now, only if I can post pictures on here... My first entry in May, and it's already mid-month. To my devoted readers, in case you're wondering where I have been -- I've been busy at work! At home, still busy with work. Went to New York last week. In between meetings and work in the hotel room, I was able to indulge in some fine dining. My all-time favorite was this Fushion restaurant on Madison and 58th called Tao. Love the decor, the food, and the service. Not the price, of course. Appetitzers run from $8-10 and entrees from $25-72. The $72 entree is 6 oz of Kobe beef. I heard that it was really good but for a big eater like me, I will probably need 12 oz in order to be full! Thank goodness our vendor paid for the meal -- otherwise, how can I explain the $500 meal?!

After eating at these fine restaurants, I noticed how excessively rich people can live. They can eat a $200 meal in a sitting and not skip a heartbeat. Maybe because none of my friends are super-duper rich people ... I'm just amazed how rich people can spend thousands and don't cringe a single bit. Well, maybe because they have so much money! I read in magazines about J. Lo's $4000 manicures and $10,000 massages. Boy, when will I ever get THAT rich? I think if I ever get that rich, I would still be a penny-pincher!

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