Saturday, April 30, 2005

The Common Cold

After my 2 year streak of being "cold-free," I have finally fallen ill to the common cold virus this past week. It all started off with a sore throat, which of course, being Chinese, I immediately thought the sore throat was a result of "hot air." I began my spree of eating and drinking anything that was classified as "cool" - melons, ice cream, ching-bo-leung, etc. But the sore throat quickly developed into a congested nose and a fever. It was then I realized that my strong immune system that protected me for the past 2 years lost its battle against the evil virus. The cough came and then more congestion. I missed 2 days of work, and I'm still trying to recover right now. The hope of being 100% well in the next day or so seems unlikely. I need to heal quickly because on Monday, I will be stepping into a plane, i.e. the best breeding ground for germs to spread. It will be a 5 hour flight to New York, which is a very long flight in my definition. I don't want to spread my germs to others nor do I want my weak immune system to engage in any more fights with other viruses. This is perhaps one of the worse colds I've had... symptoms acting in full-fledge and lastinglonger than usual!

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