Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Cheers to 2009!

2009 is only a few hours away. I always try to take this time to reflect on 2008 and all the events that occurred. There are definitely good moments and bad ones, on a personal level and on a macro level...

Again, as tacky as it sounds, I really wish 2009 will be a safe one - world peace and less violence! I also hope that the economy will rebound faster than anticipated. That feeling of uncertainty is causing a lot of anxiety for many people, including us. With SQ's job being so unstable, we have been cautious, trying not to overspend and giving ourselves a bigger 'rainy day' fund. Hopefully, our country will be able to weather through these tough economic times... Cheers to 2009!

May this year bring all of us Hope and Joy... and may all the new year resolutions get completed & all the new year dreams come true!

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