During that period, I didn't write/blog at all. I wasn't in the mood to document my progress or my feelings, not to mention a good portion of my time I was physically unable to write. I did tweet though, mainly to my family, of my progress. Here are some of the tweets:
- In hospital right now. Thanks bontee for taking care of Sarah
- still waiting for cultures. I can't leave until I can hold my fever down for 24 hrs which has not been possible
- 3 people tried and still can't get an IV into my arm. I have skinny veins. Always a problem
- So the lab results of the bacteria the docs thought I had turned back negative. It's something else. The question is what is it????
- Finally got the IV in after the 4th try
- Swelling is not just limited to the feet. My entire leg is swollen
- Now I have redness on my tummy. It's one thing after another... :*-(
- in room 6315
- CT scan shows more drainage needed on left side. Will really position tube tomorrow
- White blood cell count is climbing again, which means body is trying to fight yet another bacteria :-(
- Is it a bad sign when there is a bacteria inside me that even the Chief of Infectious diseases can't figure out what it is.
- The 7cm abscess did not drain as expect. IR will try to reposition drain tomorrow. Abscess very hard to get to.
- It's in front of a major artery vein. If IR doctor has no confidence that it's possible, then I have to do surgery again (cut me open)
- Doctor describes surgery as "morbid" and high risk. I don't know what to think anymore
- Doctors couldn't drain out the really hard abscess near the artery vein. Now they need to access whether if antibiotics can take care of it
- Need to wait 4days b4 next drain check.. Good progress means no fever & no high white blood cell, which means body not fighting infection.
- Going to IR today at 3pm. Pray that they are able to get that hard to reach abscess out. Pray pray pray!!
- Fever still not under control. Woke up with a temp of 101.4
- stomach is still very tight and swollen. dr will monitor thru-out the nite to see if tummy softens. ct shows no add'l abscess.
- whte cell count is higher, body trying to fight something. fluid in the lungs. no action plans yet other than close monitor. clear diet only
- not passing gas means bowels are still irritated, causing stomach to be tight. feel more energized today from blood transfusion yesterday
- Tummy still very hard and swollen today. No gas. Never knew farting is so important.
- Today complete rest of bowel, cannot drink any fluid at all, will be on IV. .. on boy
- It's like reliving my icu days and restarting my entire recovery process all over again!
- may need to put another drain to clear fluid under lungs. Bowels still not moving, may need to insert tube thru nose to pull gas fr stomach
- Woke up with a 102.8 fever two days in a row. Takes about 3 hours to get bk to nrml temp aftr tylenol. Dunno what's causing the fevers
- On clear liquid diet only. Juice just doesn't cut it. I'm still starving! Hunger pain is the hardest to bear
- I did not have a good day today. Fevers, nausea, and outright miserable. Just don't feel good.
- God please oh please get me out of this misery and let me feel better