Saturday, March 31, 2012

Storm Trooper

This blog is also called "Just for Fun" and it details the lives of 2 Storm Troopers. It is so creative and fun!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

The 1960s fashion

I randomly came across an Etsy site that sells vintage sewing patterns.  I thought it was interesting and once again, really wished that I knew how to sew!!  Upon looking at the different fashions of the different decades, I am IN LOVE with the fashion from the 1960s!! (a la Jackie O).  I soooo wish that they have clothes like these now... I would totally wear them!! Here are some of my favorites:

All 3 made from the same pattern, but each with a little twist and you have 3 different dresses!

How cute are those jackets!!

Love, Love, Love these dresses!!! And the collar is very 60's!!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Friday, March 16, 2012

A Letter to Sarah

To my dearest little baby,
At 21 months -

  • Your new favorite word is "Mine!!"  You say this word with a whiny voice or sometimes even scream on top of your lungs when we take something you want away from you.  You should know that nothing is yours!
  • You are just starting to say two-word combo phrases - brown bear, mommy help, and more babies (referring to a book titled, More, More, More! Said the Baby) We will continue to work with you on improving your sentences
  • You can read over 20 alphabets and can periodically spell your name. Sometimes you get the order mixed up, but you know that your name has a S, R, A and H
  • You know how to sing the ABC song!  We can make out most of the letters you sing
  • You are testing limits. You like to throw things on the floor and like to throw your hands to hit on things when you get frustrated. Whenever we tell you that it's not OK, you act silly and start to giggle to get out of trouble. You are a sly little baby!  We don't let you get away with it though.  
  • You never seem to be able to catch a break in the marathon of colds, coughs, and runny noses!  
  • You refuse to go to bed, no matter how tired you are. You want to read books, drink milk, eat crackers, or find other excuses not to go to sleep.  You are just an Energizer bunny!
  • You speak mostly English, but there are certain words that you say in Cantonese from the start and still do: bao-bao (bread), po-po (carry me), and nai-nai (milk).  It's funny that you refer to nai-nai as milk in the bottle.  When we give you milk in a cup, you say "no, nai-nai." (milk in a bottle). We've cut you out of milk in a bottle already so you don't say nai-nai anymore.
  • You don't like rice. You still eat it, but you rather not eat it.  You eat everything else though and have spoon-precision skills to scoop out all the other food without scooping out the rice no matter how much we mix everything together. You loooooove soup!

Sarah's "HAPPY" face
Sarah's "MAD" face
You continue to be your silly-self and bring us so much joy and laughter everyday! Love you, my sweet little mao-mao!

Monday, March 05, 2012

Friday, March 02, 2012

D-Day (aka Decision Day)

After 2 months to the exact day since the announcement, I have finally given my verbal acceptance to the relocation offer.  Our family will be relocating to Hong Kong end of July.  Believe me when I say that this is one of the hardest decisions I had to make thus far in my 36 years of life.  I contemplated and internally debated with myself for a long, long time.  I had many discussions and tearful conversations with SQ - what it would mean for us and how it would affect our family.  My emotional roller coaster went through valleys and peaks, crests and troughs.

Most recently, my sister 7 was faced with a dilemma whether or not to throw a full-blown wedding. I remembered my sister 5 asked her, if she ends up not having a wedding, whether she would, a few years down the road, regret her decision & want one then. If the answer is yes, then, even though the wedding may not be something sister 7 wants now, she should still hold one to avoid being regretful in the years to come.  Because if the time has passed, it would be hard to get it back. As when I faced this relocation dilemma, I also asked myself whether I would regret not going later on if I do decide to turn the offer down now?  Would I wonder about how my life would be if we lived in HKG and would I continually ask myself the "what-ifs?"  After answering the questions with a yes, I felt better about taking this leap. There will surely be a lot of uncertainty, changes, and/or even risks.  But I can't possibly worry about all the future problems now, right?  I will get there when I get there, one day at a time. Que Sera Sera  

Financial-wise, we can make it work with one income for a while.  Living adaptation-wise, it'll probably will take some time, but we're not hard to please, so we'll eventually get used to it.  Sarah-wise, she should be ok. SQ will stay home with her for a bit.  Extended family-wise, not OK.  I think this is by far the biggest pull for me not to relocate.  I am super close to my parents and my sisters, both in terms of relationship and physical locality (most of us live no more than 20 minutes apart).  They have always been my strength, my backbone, my "go-to" people for help on anything, to watch over Sarah, to seek advice from, to vent to, to care about, and to laugh with.  So this will be hard.  Very hard.  So I am not going to lie to myself that this part of my life will be OK, because it won't be, not without my family being nearby.  The only comfort to this situation is my hope that they will come visit me and we will return back to the U.S. as often as we can.  And hopefully, my parents will learn how to use Skype!  The other comfort I have to console myself is that this relocation is not forever. The contract is "at-will."  There is no time frame commitment.  If I choose to leave within 1 year, I just have to pay back some of the relocation costs (pro-rated based on time spent abroad). I figure, if my life really is so miserable to the point that I must return, then the relocation costs is actually a small price to pay for happiness.  SF will always be my home.

Now that the decision has been made, I need to move forward.  I need to direct my focus of what needs to be done before the relocation.  Time will zoom by. And I am prepared to have breakdown moments when the day comes closer.  Bear with me.  Be my support and tell me that everything is going to be OK. Que Sera Sera