Monday, April 16, 2012

A Letter to Sarah

Dearest Sarah,
At 22 months:

  • You can speak short sentences now - 2-3 word combos.  In fact, you can say more than 3 syllables at the same time and can mimic a lot of words and sentences
  • You like to do things yourself, like putting on your shoes and opening doors. You can't always do it but you insist and then eventually ask for help.
  • You don't like to brush your teeth, but still loves bedtime stories and books.  
  • You can walk up and down the stairs by yourself, holding onto a handrail and sometimes not
  • You are sleeping later and later at night.  We will get you in bed at 9 but you will not fall asleep until 9:30 or even at 10 sometimes. But you still wake up around 7 in the morning, even though you sometimes get cranky
  • Your appetite is stunning.  You are little eating machine, although you don't appear to be chubby. All your food goes directly into your tummy, no where else. You don't have cheeks nor your arms/legs show any "folds."
  • You weigh about 28 lbs right now (home scale)
  • You can sing along most songs and love to listen to music in the car on our way to and from daycare
  • You can now identify and say all your alphabets, numbers (to ten), colors, and most animals. We think you learn pretty quickly
  • You love to grin with only your bottom teeth showing! 
  • You got your first passport!! 

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